
Athlete of the month April: William Mooijman

William Mooijman has been named April’s athlete of the month. The 34-year-old William previously trained outside under the guidance of personal trainers Lorenzo and Kevin during the Corona period. He moved to Scheveningen last year. Since he lives opposite InTension, exercising at InTension was an easy choice for him. We see him at least 5 to 6 times a week. Boxing and strength training are his favorite sports days. Aside from his personal training sessions, William also attends instructor Luuk’s boxing class on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. While William enjoys training alone, he prefers training with a buddy or in a group. Because of this, Nick and Luuk are currently leading a 12-week fitness program. By doing so, he is able to take his training to a higher level in a group setting, increasing strength, weight, and fitness. Fitness, health, and strength are important to William. As a result of the hard training at InTension and the social environment at the gym, he has energy for ten! Our congratulations go out to William on his selection as athlete of the month. For the entire month of April, his membership is on us!